Home Blog How to Create the Best Military Homecoming Signs!

How to Create the Best Military Homecoming Signs!

by Nicolette Kerner

Military Homecoming

Military homecoming signs are a staple after any long deployment! It’s a great way to get your friends and family excited and makes your service member feel so special when they get off the bus! There are several ways you can make military homecoming signs, read below for some inspiration! 

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Military Homecoming Signs!? Where Do I Begin?!

My number one tip before getting started is this… DO NOT MAKE IT COMPLICATED! Your spouse is going to be more excited to see you than the sign itself! So, DO NOT STRESS YOURSELF OUT! The fact that you thought to even make a sign is great in itself. Your nerves are going to be all over the place just thinking about seeing your significant other. Give yourself some grace, it’s the first time in a long time! 

Now that we have established, the next thing you need to do is to determine where the military homecoming sign is going to be. Are you going to bring it with you and hold it up? Or is it going to be displayed for your service member when they walk through the front door? You need to figure this out before you get started! This will help you to figure out just how big your military homecoming sign is going to be!

Go Ahead Picasso, Craft Your Masterpiece!

Once you have determined the schematics, and you know how big you’re making the sign, it’s time to pick your slogan! You can get REALLY creative, or just keep it simple, both have the potential to be AMAZING! If you decided that you are going to just decorate the house here are some really cute ideas below!

If you are making your own sign, see below for some slogan examples…

Simple Slogans for Military Homecoming Signs…

  • WELCOME HOME (Name Here)!
  • I’ve Missed You (Name Here)!
  • Oh Hello, There (Rank & Name Here)…
  • (Rank & Name Here) COME HERE!
  • I LOVE MY (Branch Here)!
  • My (Branch Here) is FINALLY home!!
  • I LOVE (Rank & Name Here)!!!
  • (Rank & Name) Fan Club!
  • My (Hubby/Wifey) is Home!!
  • Proud (Wife/Husband/Mom/Dad) Here!

Military Family


Creative Slogans for Military Homecoming Signs…

  • Out of my way, my (Branch Here) is home!!
  • I’ve waited (# of months/days) for my (Branch Here) to kiss me! 
  • Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Oh how I’ve waited for you! 
  • I called the Military, they said I can have you back today!
  • (Rank & Name Here) REPORT FOR TODDLER DUTY! 
  • I’ve waited my WHOLE LIFE to meet you!! (For babies born during deployments.) 
  • Finally You’re Home! (Mom/Dad) Quit 3 Weeks Ago!
  • Worth the wait! Now let’s go take me on a date! 
  • Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder… And man am I fond of you!
  • Never thought I’d miss seeing Cammies all over the house, but I’ve been wrong before!

Reuniting and It Feels So Good! 

Whatever you decide to do, your service member is going to be so excited to be home with you again! Don’t be discouraged if plans change or you decide not to make a sign. You being there is the best part! 

It’s also important to note that not every homecoming is like what they paint on Pinterest! Sometimes, the service members don’t get back until one, two, or even three in the morning! Or sometimes, you don’t even have notice! And as you may know already as a spouse, PLANS CAN AND WILL CHANGE! So, as I stated before, give yourself some grace! Remember, either way, you will be REUNITING and it will feel so good! 

Ideas for the Military Homecoming Signs AFTER the Homecoming! 

So, your service member is now home and you have yet another sign laying around your house… Before throwing away memories, below are a few ideas you can use to never forget…

  • Take a polaroid photo with your service member and the sign, then create a Deployment Polaroid Book to save for years to come! 
  • Depending on the size of the sign, create a flip-through book with each one in chronological order (write the date and place on the back of each one!)
  • Save the sign for the next deployment and re-use it! Maybe even leave room to add to it each time. 
  • If you are a scrapbooker, use a piece of it in your scrapbook or take a photo of the sign and create a page for it! 
  • If it’s generic without a name or rank on it, give it to a friend to use to welcome their service member home! 


Military Homecoming Signs


Final Thoughts… 

Homecomings are so special and really are the best part of deployment! You can make signs, book a photographer, decorate the house, and so much more. But, to be honest, being able to celebrate the safe homecoming of your service member will always be priceless! 

Are there any homecoming traditions you and your family do? I would love to see some of your Military Homecoming Signs in the comments below! Let me know if you have any other clever slogans too! As always, thank you and your service member for your service! Until next time! 

Military Homecoming Signs

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