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Easy Home Decorating Tips Anyone Can Use!

by Nicolette Kerner

Home Decor

If you’re a home decor junky, you need to check out the home decorating tips in this post! They help to make styling your home so much easier, AND, these tips make your home decor give off, can I say “Expensive” vibes. BUT, let’s get one thing straight… on this blog, we always do it on a HomeGoods kind of budget if you know what I mean! 

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Home Decorating Tips That make it Easier? I’m Intrigued… 

Home decor doesn’t have to be complicated. Ironically, some of the most loved decors seem to be the simplest. I gathered below some of the easiest but most effective home decorating tips I could think of…


One of the easiest home decorating tips I can give you is to stagger your sizes. Doing this creates a more interesting look to the eye. Plus it draws people’s attention WAYYYYY more than if you had everything the exact same size. 

With that said, instead of your vases being the same height, use different heights. One shorter, one taller, one in between, etc. This will also help to create some dimension in your decor as opposed to keeping everything small and one-dimensional. 

Color Makes the World Go Round… 

Whether you want to keep it neutral or be bold, choosing colors that play off of each other will help you to create an amazing cohesive look. You don’t want your space to look like a smorgasbord of colors that ultimately just ends up clashing. 

Creating a unique color story will give off a beautifully elegant, classy, and put-together vibe that cannot be ignored! Some of my favorite color combos are below…

  • Black, White, and Neutral
  • Gray, Green, and White
  • Gray, Blue, and White
  • Purple and Silver
  • Brown, Toupes, and Cream
  • Blush, Soft Blue, Soft Green, and Cream
Do I Need Textures and Patterns Too? 

In addition to beautiful color schemes, don’t be afraid to add a bold pattern or texture to compliment the color scheme you have decided on. You can also start with a bold pattern first and then build your color scheme off of that. Either way, not being afraid to throw a pattern or texture into your design will absolutely pay off in the end. Small details like this help keep your design a lot more interesting! 

Home Decorating Tips

Get Creative! Not Everything is as it Seems… 

This is the part where I’m going to tell you to think outside the box. You know how you go looking for the most perfect piece but nothing seems to fit the image you have in your mind… THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX! One of my most favorite home decorating tips I can give to you is to use things that work for your style and design, even though may not necessarily be that piece’s original purpose. For example, just because the piece is a dresser, doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be used as one. 

Another prime example I love doing is for spaces like desks, home offices, workplaces, etc. instead of a generic writing utensil holder, I find beautiful succulent pots and use those! The one pictured below was a gray succulent pot I found at a nursery That I thought was perfect for my office vibe. I then spray-painted it flat black to match my home office aesthetic and WALA, it was ready for display!

Home Decorating Tips That Make You Fancy AF!

If you’re anything like me you like to be fancy but on a budget. These next few home decorating tips are great ideas for those who like to spice up their walls but not break the bank! The first one I want to mention in this section is the picture frame trick! 

If you like the look of Wainscoting or textured walls, something super simple you can do is to purchase plain wooden frames without the glass. Once you found the ones you like you can paint them the same color as your walls and then glue and nail them on your wall. If you are able to find a picture frame that matches the size and style you are looking for this is a great alternative to having to buy a bunch of molding. Plus, then it eliminates the process of having to cut the molding and match the corners. 

The second one I want to mention in this section is similar to Wainscoting but this one is for a very unique fun fancy kind of vibe as opposed to a structured fancy kind of vibe. This home decorating tip is all about ceiling medallions! So the idea for this one is to find a bunch of different ceiling medallions and paint them the exact same color as your wall. Then place them organically all over the wall to give a fun fancy texture that is unique to your home! This makes for a great statement wall! 

Classic Home Decorating Tips too Easy Not to Mention…

Classic home decorating tips are honestly where it’s at. These tips may seem obvious but often have the largest impact on your decor or room. Check out this list below…


Sometimes you like something so much you want to put two on the wall… THAT’S OKAY! Try changing up the angle of the photo or decor piece to make it just a little different! For example, I have a skinny wall in my home office and decided I liked this photo too much I decided to hang the exact same one below it just upside down! No one ever notices it’s the same photo until I tell them! 

Home Decorating Tips

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!

Don’t be afraid to use old things and repurpose them. For example, for my Wedding, I made my bouquet of flowers and now they are in a crystal candle holder for some added color in my office! One of the most budget-friendly tips I can give to use is to SHOP YOUR OWN HOUSE FIRST! 


SPRAY PAINT FIXES EVERYTHING… there I said it! You don’t like the color of the handles on that dresser, but the dresser is perfect, spray paint the handles! Making a festive home decor piece for the fall … spray paint will help! Trying to figure out new landscaping but can’t decide if you’re going to like it… spray paint the outline to give you a better visual! Literally, you can use spray paint for anything!

It’s the Lighting for Me… 

Something as simple as updating a light fixture can change the ENTIRE look of the room. Don’t be afraid to try that first before deciding you need to gut the whole house! (DISCLAIMER: I highly advise you to have an electrician or someone who knows what they are doing change the light. There are electrical wires involved and it can be dangerous!) 

Accessories Galor!

Just like changing out light fixtures… you can always change out the hardware on your furniture or cabinets! You can even go as far as changing door handles, faucets, and light switch covers too!

3’s and Layer Up!

This is advice any professional interior designer would give… do things in 3’s! Three DIFFERENT SIZED vases, three pillows, etc! They also would suggest layering things! By layering items, it can make your decor cozier or more full-looking. An example of layering could be putting a fluffy down comforter under your duvet cover to create a plush cozy look to your bedding! 

Home Decorating Tips

Sometimes you have to cut the cord… 

Yup… sometimes you really do just have to cut the cord. I’m talking about if you have lamps that are in the center of the room, you don’t want your cord to be a tripping hazard, and let’s be honest it’s ugly too. You can do this to any and all of your lamps if you want, cut the cord right off (as close to the base as possible), and use battery-operated lights like the ones I have linked here! Using these can elevate your style and take away the eye sore of the cord! 

I COMMAND you to stay in place!

Command strips are your best friend! One of my favorite ways to use Command Strips is to use them to secure the bottom of my wreath to my front door! Where I live, it’s super windy and my wreath tends to clank against my front door. So you guessed it, I Command Stripped that puppy to the door and it no longer sounds like someone is knocking every 10 minutes! 

Peace, Love, and Plants

If your room feels like it’s missing something… try adding some greenery to the room. If you’re not a plant person you can always find some gorgeous and realistic fake plants to add to your decor! I love this Olive tree on Amazon! You can style this by using a large basket or pot of your choosing and building up the bottom then setting the plant on top and either putting some moss or blankets on top! They are beautiful! 

Final Thoughts…

I have plenty more home decorating tips where those came from. One of the best pieces of advice I can give you though is to be patient! Don’t just buy something to fill the space if you’re not actually in love with it… it’s okay to have some blank spots and fill them over time! Don’t waste your time or money putting things you don’t like in your home! 

What are your favorite home decorating tips? Do you have any that I didn’t mention? As always, I’d love to hear your ideas too! Until next time…

Home Decorating Tips

If you liked this post, check out some of my others…

5 Tips for Decorating a Guest Bedroom on a Budget!

10 Home Life Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind…

5 Genius Home Life Hacks To Tackle Any Odors.

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