Home Blog How to Make the BEST Deployment Care Packages!

How to Make the BEST Deployment Care Packages!

by Nicolette Kerner

military care package

One of the best things you can do for your deployed service member is to send them deployment care packages! When your service member is far away, receiving something sent from home can make a huge impact. It doesn’t matter how big or small the deployment care packages are, it makes them feel loved and that is so important! 

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When Should You Send Deployment Care Packages??

There really isn’t a rule as to when you should send deployment care packages. BUT, I would highly suggest that you try to send them for major holidays or special occasions such as birthdays and Christmas. Of course, you can also send them for holidays like Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, and Anniversaries. To be quite honest you can send them just out of the blue too. It’s really up to you and what you think will mean the most to your service member! However, before you start going crazy there are some things you should know before you send anything…

What You Need To Know Before Sending Deployment Care Packages…

Before you send any packages there are some things that you need to know and some factors that will play a big part in your decision to send anything or not. 

The MOST IMPORTANT thing is to be sure to talk with your service member to make sure they even have an address for you BEFORE you do anything! Normally your service member can get that information within the first month of their arrival at their assigned base. But, know it could take a little bit to have an actual address for mail to be sent. 

Other important details you need to know are listed below…

  • Before sending deployment care packages, talk with your service member (if possible) to make sure they are in an area where they can receive mail. This is crucial because if they are on a ship or somewhere else, they may not be able to receive a big box either on time or at all. So, make sure you do your homework!
  • Confirm you are using the correct address… this is listed because if your service member is not at the home base for a period of time the address could change. 
  • USE FLAT-RATE SHIPPING BOXES! This will save you A LOT of money… trust me! If you can’t fit everything in a large flat rate, I suggest sending multiple boxes. Your service member will get to feel extra special and it will still be A LOT CHEAPER!
  • Don’t send anything that you’re not willing to never see again. When you send your service member deployment care packages, it’s important to remember that they may not be able to bring back everything you sent. So don’t go shipping them an X-box and expect them to be able to bring it home… 
  • When sending boxes for major holidays, be sure to send them at least a month, maybe even two, in advance. It takes FOREVER for your service member to get the deployment care packages and especially during the holiday seasons.
  • Be aware that their boxes can and will be opened… for safety purposes, the base mail room is allowed to open the boxes. They don’t always open them but just keep that in the back of your head.Military care package ideas

So Now You’ve Got the Run Down… What Do You Actually Put In The Deployment Care Packages??

This is where you can get creative. But remember, you know your service member best, so go to town with all their favorite things! I highly suggest including some essentials they may be missing too. Honestly, a lot of service members look forward to getting the essentials like razors, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes, deodorant, etc. It’s good to remember that where they’re deployed may not have the items our service members use often. It’s either that or their everyday products could be EXTREMELY expensive where they have been stationed.

Other items to include that would mean the most to your service member are things like pictures your kids drew, family photos, letters from loved ones, or any other sentimental things you know your service member will enjoy. Service members seem to love all things that remind them of home. Remember the entire purpose of a deployment care package is to remind your service member that they are on your mind and that you care about them. It’s the little things that seem to go a long way!

Deployment boxes


Some things to consider when sending deployment care packages….

When you go to send a deployment care package there are some things to consider… be sure to check out the list below before sending one!

  • Think about the weather… it’s probably not the best idea to be sending chocolate to an area with extreme heat… your service member might just get a box covered in melted chocolate! 
  • Are there any restrictions where your service member is deployed? In some countries, you can’t send things like pork products, or products that contain any pork… so make sure you do your research! Cultural guidelines are VERY important… they will send your entire box back to you if you don’t follow their rules!
  • This one should be self-explanatory, but, make sure you don’t send anything that could possibly spoil… remember it takes quite a while from the time you send your box to the time your service member receives it. It would be very disappointing to open up a smelly box!

Deployment Care Packages

Some fun ideas to include in your next deployment care package…

If you’re looking to make your boxes more personal, you can always try to include some of the following touches! 

  • Wrap the inside of the box to give your box a little extra pizazz! 
  • Include “Open When…” letters, these could really come in handy especially when your service member is missing home! 
  • Make a picture with your kids’ handprints, or decorate the box with their handprints! Your kids will love this idea too!
  • Have your kids create small books or journals to send to your service member to read.
  • Do a 365-day jar (or an X amount of day jar) for your service member to have a little saying or thought to open every day. 
  • Make your deployment care package have a theme… it could be by color, holiday, food type, weather, state, etc.
  • Create some home videos of you and your kids and put them on a flash drive. If your service member has a laptop or something with a USB port, they can watch the videos and feel like they are right at home!
  • Add in some mini holiday decorations for their room, or use them for decorating your box! 
  • Send a personalized calendar with new family photos for every month and all the important dates marked to remember!
  • Create a “10 Things I Miss About You Box” and decorate the flaps of your box in envelopes filled with letters saying what you miss about your service member! 
Final thoughts…

Whatever you decide to send, even if it’s only a letter, your service member will love it dearly. It’s not necessarily about what you send it’s about letting your service member know that they are loved and missed. And if we’re being honest… when a deployed service member receives a box or letter in the mail on deployment, it feels like Christmas morning as a kid again. The suspense of what’s inside and the fact that they got something just for them is enough to make their days a little brighter. 

If you have any fun deployment care package themes you want to share please comment them below! I’d love to see your packages and creativity and get to know you all a little more! I’m always praying for you and your service members! Until next time…


Military Spouse


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Surviving Deployment for Marines… Spouse Edition

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drover sointeru May 4, 2024 - 3:34 am

Hi there! This post couldn’t be written any better! Reading through this post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept talking about this. I will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thank you for sharing!

hneBkEPqps May 10, 2024 - 11:32 am

5 stars

hneBkEPqps May 10, 2024 - 11:32 am

5 stars

ZEruNWCMkdhR May 20, 2024 - 5:51 pm

5 stars

ZEruNWCMkdhR May 20, 2024 - 5:51 pm

5 stars


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